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Cat sitters in Pearl Beach

Book a pet sitter to look care for your cat while you're away, with all the creature comforts.

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from 2,943 reviews on

Product Review

🏆 2024 Award Winner

Cat sitters in Pearl Beach

520 Cat Sitters

  • Strives to create a happy and enriching environment for animals.

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $28.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Hannah C.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (60)
    Has the following badges:
    • 19 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Reliable and friendly located on the Central Coast!

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $28.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Madeleine C.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (15)
    Has the following badges:
    • 4 Repeat guests
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Reliable, caring, animal loving family

    Woy Woy (6.2 km)

    $28.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Jessica , Blake C.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (19)
    Has the following badges:
    • 3 Repeat guests
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Loving, motivated, committed pet carer

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $67.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Bree J.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Responsible, experienced and kind animal carer!

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $45.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Anamika  T.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Weekend Dog Walking Service - Young Couple

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $56.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Peio F.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (2)
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Friendly and dutiful carer of all animals!

    Woy Woy (6.2 km)

    $17.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Keira  W.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (4)
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Experienced Dog Lover Offering Trusted and Tail-Waggingly Good Pet Services!

    Daleys Point (6.0 km)

    $23.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Skye M.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (3)
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Lover of all pets, here to help 💕

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $34.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Briony E.
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Loving and very experienced woman for your pet caring needs

    Blackwall (5.0 km)

    $45.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Dawn d.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (10)
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Available for the holidays

    Passionate fur baby lover

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $45.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Breanna L.
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Friendly dog walker and sitter

    Saratoga (8.7 km)

    $40.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Jordyn G.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Central Coast Furbaby Spa Experiences

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $28.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Jody W.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • I love animals & will do anything for them

    Saratoga (8.7 km)

    $56.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Sarah A.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (15)
    Has the following badges:
    • 5 Repeat guests
  • Happy tails walks ,food , cuddles

    Ettalong Beach (4.3 km)

    $45.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Cheyenne c.
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • 7 years experienced pets sitters

    Woy Woy (6.2 km)

    $45.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Thy  P.
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Experienced & Reliable Pet Sitter

    Umina Beach (3.0 km)

    $43.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Karen and Jessica W.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (9)
    Has the following badges:
    • 2 Repeat guests
    • Police check
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Puting your pet's happiness FIRST

    Woy Woy (6.2 km)

    $68.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Jennifer W.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • 1 Repeat guest
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • Reliable and care pet sitter

    Woy Woy (6.2 km)

    $28.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Cinthia M.
    Rating score: 5.0Total reviews: (1)
    Has the following badges:
    • Police check
    • Accepts weekly bookings
  • I am Trustworthy and a reliable animal carer. :)

    Davistown (8.6 km)

    $34.00 / visit
    Thumbnail of Chantelle  O.
    Has the following badges:
    • Accepts weekly bookings

Average rating of Cat Sitting

based on

6786 reviews of 14526 Pet Owners

Need more information about Cat Sitting in Pearl Beach NSW?

When it comes to Cat Sitting you can rely on Mad Paws to dish up all the feline pros in NSW. We know how important it is to find the best care for your furry friend when you're away and that's why we have vetted and gathered all the right people in your local area of Pearl Beach to ensure, pet owners like you, have the best options available. You shouldn't feel like your fur baby has to go without while you're away - give them the pefect at home, or home away from home experience they can possibly have.
  • If you're a constant traveler and you only want the best for your purring pal, then you need not go past Cat Sitting. Keeping consistency with the same sitter allows your cat to build a relationship with the new friend in their life. A happy kitty means a happy life!

  • Cat sitting is the perfect blend of flexibility and care. It allows cat owners to decide whether they want to drop their cat off at their sitters place or if they'd like to double up on the service and offer house-sitting at the same time. Making life more convenient for everyone involved.

  • Not all felines have the same needs, they're all the leads of their own shows, as they should be. However, when it comes to their care you want to make sure they aren't just getting a templated version that's offered to cats large and small. With Mad Paws, everything is tailored to your cat's needs. This is the perfect version of caregiving for any pet, fluffy, furry or feathery.

  • Cat Sitting is the perfect style of cat care when you're away. It offers a level of ease for your furry pal, something we all know they need, especially if the rest of the fam isn't around. Don't miss out on the chance to spoil your kitty even when you're MIA - book Mad Paws and never look back.