Name: Teri
Job Title: Office Manager
Pets: Keetah, a Husky
What were you doing before Mad Paws?
I’ve actually worked in a range of careers. I originally started acting when I was 15, and I found work in TV, film, and on stage. While I was acting, I also dabbled in different jobs that would help support me when I was between roles.
In my most recent job before Mad Paws, I was helping to run an acting agency. However, I’ve wanted to work at Mad Paws for a while, so I always kept my feelers out!
What do you love most about working at Mad Paws?
It’s just great to work as part of such a closeknit team. I also love that we have dogs in the office every day – especially our regular, a Labradoodle named Charlie. She’s my absolute favourite! As Mad Paws provides quality care to pets, it wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t have animals in the office. We’re practicing what we preach!
Tell me about something special you have on your desk
I have a nice energy spray and face mist. If ever I’m feeling flat, or I see a colleague having a stressful day, I reach for the spray. It either perks people up or makes them laugh.
What do you spend your weekends doing?
At the moment, because I’m planning my wedding, I don’t feel as if I have any weekends! Most of my spare time at the moments involves planning, paying caterers’ deposits, creating Pinterest boards, chatting to bridesmaids – you know, wedding stuff.
When I’m not wedding planning, I love taking nature walks and being in the great outdoors. I also live close to the beach, and I love taking a morning swim with all the oldies.
Finally, I love eating pasta and cheese and drinking wine!
What do you have as the background image on your phone?
My current background image is a photo of me and my fiance the moment after he proposed. It’s a really nice shot of the two of us, but the other day I had a laugh when I realised I have a mark on my neck in the photo! I was just so emotional from so much joy and surprise that I broke out into a rash.
If you could Pet Sit any animal, what would it be?
It would be a monkey, but I wouldn’t want it to be a pet. Monkeys are my favourite creature, but I know they shouldn’t be kept as pets. That’s why I’d want to nurse a sick monkey back to health, after which they’d return to the wild.

Quickfire Round
Rom-coms or drama?
Karaoke or Guitar Hero?
Sushi or Thai food?
Thai food
Motorcycles or scooters?
A rocket to the moon or a journey to the centre of the earth?
A rocket to the moon
Dogs or cats?
Dogs dogs dogs!