Fresh Dog Food | Find the Best Kibble Food for Your Doggo | Mad Paws

With Dinner Bowl Cooked, Mad Paws has just changed the game for fresh dog food delivery

So, you Googled fresh dog food, huh? In which case, let’s not waste each other’s time: you’re here because you love your dog, and we’re here because we love that you love your dog. You want to feed them the best dog meals possible, and we want to make that happen. That’s why we serve as a source of some of the best dog food you’ll find in Australian shores. Yes, that includes raw dog food, and yes, it also includes dry dog food and kibble. But there’s a third character in this three-person theatre production of quality canine nutrition. And that character…is fresh dog food. 

You know what we’re talking about: quality, human-grade ingredients simmered over a low heat to seal in the flavour. Preservatives? Forget about it! Filler? Not in the meals that you’re after! Oh, no – the dog food you’re searching for is rich in nutrients; tailored to your dog’s caloric requirements; and meat and vegetables of such a calibre that they could appear in any human’s dinner. It tastes so good, your pooch will lick their bowl clean. It’s so aligned with their health needs that they’ll find everything they nutritionally require in each portion. And it won’t take hours to prepare. 

At hearing your list of demands, some dog food providers may throw their hands up in dismay. “It can’t be done,” they’ll huff. “You want the impossible. Your fresh dog food can either be healthy or delicious – but not both.” Others still (the less scrupulous ones) will promise you a gold-standard of dog meals, only to deliver you pyrite. They’ll claim to offer perfect meal plans, only to deliver something you could have found on supermarket shelves.

You deserve better. And, more integrally, so does your dog. And that’s why we’re here. 


Can you back up these claims that yours is the best fresh dog food?

We wouldn’t have invited you to this page if we couldn’t, dear Pet Owner. For starters, our recipes are designed by a qualified, certified Pet Nutritionist. As a result, all of our meals are 100% complete and balanced, and meet and exceed AAFCO standards. In layperson’s terms, this means that our meals will fulfil ALL of your pupper’s nutritional needs. You also won’t find any nasty preservatives in these bad boys, but rather fresh, natural ingredients cultivated on Australian farms. What’s more, we don’t distinguish between quality human-tier ingredients and canine-grade ingredients. That’s why the meat and vegetables in your furbaby’s meals were sourced from the same places that provide to some of Australia’s best restaurants. 


With all of that said, we know that there is no one perfect meal for each and every dog. Sure, we can create a meal plan that caters to a dog’s health needs, but each pupper has individual tastes. Some go loco for lamb, while other furry friends are bonkers for beef. Then there are those who would prefer neither, and instead gravitate towards chicken as their preferred protein. We understand this. We understand it with the burning clarity of a thousand suns. It’s this white-hot understanding that has led us to offer not one, not two, but three different meat choices. Whether your pooch prefers beef, chicken, or lamb, we shall provide. 


Finally (and crucially for you, the human), we make fresh dog food delivery easy. Just place your fresh dog food order online**, and we’ll bring it straight to you. To make things simpler, you can sign up for a subscription service. That way, you won’t need to re-order every time your doggo exhausts their food supply. Whenever you’re about to run out, we’ll bring you more!         


What ingredients do your meals include? 

In addition to chicken, beef, or lamb (depending on your furbaby’s desires), every meal contains a nutrient-dense array of ingredients. We’re talking offal (or organ meat), which features a host of vitamins and minerals; dog-optimised vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrot, and sweet potato; and our turbo-charged Vitamix and superfoods combo, which contains chicory root, pysillium husk, reishi mushroom mix, rosehip, turmeric, and blueberry juice powder. Together, these ingredients deliver your furry friend a taste and nutrient sensation that can’t be beat.


What are the benefits of fresh dog food? 

How long have you got?? Seriously, when done well, fresh dog food is a powerhouse of wonders for our furry friends. That’s why we’ve made it a priority to deliver the best fresh meals for dogs. So strap in, dog lovers. We’re about to take a high-octane, live-life-a-quarter-mile-at- a-time tour of the benefits of fresh dog food.

For starters, top-quality fresh dog food is lightly cooked on a low temperature. This is in contrast to canned dog food, which is cooked in super-hot industrial-scale ovens that can sear away nutrients. With fresh meals for dogs, you get the care of a home-cooked dog dinner, without the inconvenience to you. 

Next, fresh dog meals smell great – both to you and to your pupper. Your furbaby will also almost definitely prefer their taste profile to that of canned food or kibble. As such, you won’t need to convince them to finish their food; in fact, they’ll be trying to convince you to give them more!  

Finally, our meals are tailored into specific meal portions to meet the needs of your dog for their size, age, and breed. That way, you won’t need to measure the right amount of food into their bowl. Instead, you can simply take a pre-packaged portion from the fridge, heat it up, and voila! Dinner time for your doggo. Not only is this more convenient for you, it also delivers their health requirements without enabling them to overeat. Everybody wins – human and canine alike! 


Is fresh dog food better than dry dog food? 

I see you’re not one to mess around, eh? Only two questions in and you’ve already reached the big issue. And hey, we can’t blame you – if we were in your position, we’d want to learn about the best dog food for our puppers straight away. And while we hate to be all Switzerland-like with our response, the truth is: it really depends on the dog. Don’t get us wrong, quality plays a HUGE factor. For instance, the highest quality fresh meals for dogs will alway trump mediocre kibble. Likewise, the best dry dog food on the market is going to outperform a fresh dog meal with lacklustre ingredients. For this reason, we ensure our fresh dog food is the freshest, healthiest, and most delicious choice around. 

“Okay, then,” you may quip. “If quality is paramount, how am I supposed to choose between the best kibble and the best fresh dog food?” 

Our advice? Listen to your dog. Some canines relish the crunchiness of dry dog food. Others gravitate towards the nuanced flavours of fresh dog food that’s been cooked over a gentle heat. Let them try top-quality versions of both, and your beloved furbaby will reveal which is right for them.  


Do you offer fresh dog food delivery near me? 

Presently, we’re delivering all along the east coast of Australia, and expanding to other regions quickly. All of our fresh dog food delivery options are completely secure, and use fully refrigerated trucks. By doing so, we can ensure that your food will arrive to you safe and frozen. From here, you can store your pup’s meals in your freezer, then defrost and heat them for mealtime. 

To see if we deliver to you, check out our website.

Introduce your pup to our fresh dog food and change their lives for the better!

Featured in


Natural & Nutritionist Approved

Recipes with no preservatives, no additives – just meat, dog-friendly veggies, and naturally sourced supplements, crafted by our Pet Nutritionist, Alice Clydsdale.


100% Complete & Balanced Meals

Our AAFCO-aligned meals contain the paw-fect amount of vitamins and minerals to fuel your dog’s day.


Australian Sourced & Grown

Ingredients sourced from the same Aussie farms that supply your favourite gourmet restaurants and specialty grocers.


Human-Grade Ingredients

All ingredients are fit for humans, and sourced from human-grade suppliers. Your pup deserves to eat as well as you do!

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Can you tell me how to get my dog to eat dry dog food? 

If your pup is struggling to eat dry dog food, there are likely three potential causes. 

The first possible cause is that your doggo has only ever tried lower quality kibbles. Should this be the case, switching to a more premium dry pet food like Dinner Bowl Kibble should do the trick. 

The second possibility is that your pooch harbours a personal preference for another type of dog food. Like humans, dogs have their own culinary likes and dislikes. To find out which type of dog meal your pupper prefers, we suggest you browse our full range of dog food types. 

The third option is that your dog has grown accustomed to another food, and they’re having trouble going cold turkey. For example, if your dog has eaten canned wet dog food every day for the last year, they may react poorly if their Owner abruptly switches their wet food for a different food type (even if it’s of a much higher quality). If this is the case, simply transition your doggo onto dry dog food by mixing it with their existing food. Over the course of two weeks, gradually increase the kibble-to-current food ratio. By the end of the fortnight, your pupper will have successfully made the transition!  

2. How much dry dog food should I feed my dog? 

That’s a problem we can worry about on your behalf! At Mad Paws Dinner Bowl, we scientifically calculate the right amount of food based on your canine’s breed, weight, age, and reproductive capacity. As a result, you won’t need to worry about overfeeding OR underfeeding your dog. All you’ll need to do is follow our tailored feeding guide, and watch your doggo grow into a healthier pup!  

3. What is the difference between dry dog food and wet dog food? 

In pet nutrition circles, the term “wet dog food” can be quite far-reaching. It can encapsulate canned dog food, raw dog meals, and, in some cases, lightly-cooked meals. In most instances, though, it is used to refer to canned dog food. 

By contrast, dry dog food is a term which refers primarily to kibble. As we discussed above, kibble can range in quality – from cheap dry dog food, to premium, nutritionist-designed, vet-approved kibble. Provided its quality is high, kibble can provide the same nutritional value as any freshly made dog meal. 

4. Can dry dog food go bad? 

Given they follow the storage instructions, Pet Owners can expect dry dog food to maintain a lengthy shelf life. With that said, always check the expiry date on the packaging, and always adhere to storage instructions.  

5. Can you mix water with dry dog food? 

You certainly can! While some puppers prefer the crunch of dry kibble, others would rather soft dry dog food. For these furry friends, mixing a quarter of a cup of water into a bowl of kibble is a great idea. Not only will this moisten and soften the kibble, it can also augment the flavour.

6. Is dry dog food of a lower quality than fresh dog food? 

As we touched upon above, premium dry dog food can match – and sometimes exceed – the nutritional value of fresh dog food. This is because premium dry food like Dinner Bowl Kibble is scientifically formulated to meet all of your doggo’s nutrient intake requirements.  

7. Do you allow your customers to buy dry dog food online? Can I organise dry dog food delivery online?  

“Yes”, and “yes”! Like we said, we’re all about making your life as convenient as possible. That means offering an easy-to-use online shopping platform, and facilitating dry dog food delivery across Australia.

Mad Paws Dog Food Reviews

Snowy dog review

Top Quality Food

“You know you’ve been a good boi when you get treated with the top quality food! Food that’s not just tasty but also keeps my coat shiny and my gut healthy! I woof you @Madpaws”

Maverick and Darlo review

Gone in less than 10 seconds!

“Maverick is a fussy eater, and we have tried a variety of meals, but he never really enjoyed them as much as he enjoyed his first serve of MadPaws Dinner Bowl. Gone in less than 10 seconds!”

Your pet is waiting!

Join Mad Paws Dinner Bowl today for all your dog’s nutritional needs. Give them a lifetime of better health!