Canine body language is regularly analysed and guides written for owners, but what about our feline friends? How do we decipher their body language to understand more about how they are feeling?

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Blink and you’ll miss it
Have you ever noticed your cat slow blinking at you? Closing their eyes is the ultimate act of trust for cats. A slow blink shows that they are comfortable in your presence and trust that you pose no threat. Next time you see this behaviour, try reciprocating by slow blinking in return.
The tail end of it
One of the most classic indications of a cat’s mood is their tail. Held high and free, it shows the kitty is feeling confident. Wrapped around another cat or human’s legs indicates friendliness and, much like their canine friends, tucked underneath them indicates that they are feeling unsure. If your cat’s tail is bolt upright and fluffed up, it’s a sure sign that your cat feels threatened and, if combined with an arched back and hair upright along the spine, it’s a good time for you to back away!
It’s all in the eyes
Like dogs, most cats find direct eye contact threatening and this probably explains why, in a room full of people trying to get its attention, cats gravitate towards the one person who is ignoring it. The more alarmed a cat becomes, the wider their eyes become as their pupils dilate and they try to absorb as much information as possible about the perceived threats. A wide, bug-eyed cat is showing signs of being very frightened and will want to retreat away from the situation.
Ear me out
Looking at your cat’s ears can give you a good indication of how they are feeling. Ears that are turned sideways or back suggests that your kitty is feeling unsure or nervous about something. Finally, if the ears are back and flat against the head, use caution when approaching as this reveals that your feline friend is feeling threatened and defensive and may be ready to leap into action at any moment.