Imagine you’ve just taken your dog for a walk. You’ve spent some quality time outside together playing fetch in the park, and now you’re heading home. You’re about 10 minutes away when you realise: “We’re out of milk. And I think we need more toothpaste. And should I pick up some ice cream for tonight? After all, I’ve just spent an hour playing with the dog. I’d say I’ve earned a treat!” It’s only when you arrive at the local supermarket that you think of your dog. You don’t want to leave them tied outside the store, but you’ll only be five minutes. Really, what’s the worst thing that could happen?
If you’ve been a Dog Owner for a while, you’ve no doubt faced this problem. To this day, many Pet Owners still aren’t sure how to resolve these types of conundrums. Is it harmless to leave your dog on the street for a few minutes, or are you courting danger? Will they feel distressed – or worse, are you putting them at risk?
In a perfect world, Dog Owners would take their pooch home instead of tying them outside a shop or cafe. In an even more perfect world, all businesses would treat dogs as guests of honour. However, if you do ever leave your dog outside while you shop, remember to apply these tips!

Just as Snoop Dogg has given due consideration to the quality of his rhymes, so must your dog receive due consideration if they’re to wait for you outside a cafe.
Leave them a serving of water
If you’re only going to be inside for 10 minutes, you may think of this as a needless precaution. This could particularly be the case if you know your pup has already drank their fill of water. However, by leaving them a serving of water, you’re showing them you’ve considered their needs. It’s a way of saying: “I know you’re not feeling great that I’ve tied you to this pole. But don’t worry: it’s part of a plan. And to prove it, here’s a bowl of water!”
Many cafes and shops will keep a bowl of water outside for dogs in this very position. In case they don’t, carry a small travel bowl whenever you’re out with your pooch.
Give them the right amount of leash
Tying your dog to a pole can be a tricky process. If you leave them with too much lead, they might be able to run onto the road. If you give them too little, they’ll feel trapped, and may become agitated. As a rule, ensure they have enough leash to move around without reaching the road.
Make sure you can see outside while you’re inside
Most importantly, ensure you can still see your dog from inside the store. By doing so, you’ll be able to keep an eye on your pup’s behaviour, and monitor any passers by. This way, you can rush outside if your pooch looks upset, or if anyone tries to hassle them.
The added bonus of keeping a line of sight is that your dog will be able to see you. This will go a long way towards reassuring them that you haven’t abandoned them, and that all is well.
Don’t Dawdle
While this goes without saying, we’re going to say it anyway: shop quickly! The less time your dog needs to spend tied outside on the street, the better.
Are you planning a shopping trip that will take longer than 10 minutes? Leave your furry friend at Doggy Day Care!