Name: Ivan
Job Title: Content Intern
Pets: Binky the Rabbit, plus an assortment of birds
What were you doing before Mad Paws?
Originally I’m from Southern California, and I recently graduated from uni with a Double Major. Prior to that, I’d finished a BS in Marketing and a BA in Management, with a Minor in Art. At the moment I’m part of a certification program for content development, digital marketing, and data analytics through UC Berkeley. Actually, that’s how I got paired with Mad Paws.
What do you love most about working at Mad Paws?
Well, I like Charli the Labradoodle a lot! Having dogs in the office really lightens up the mood, and helps all of us to stay grounded on busy days.
Other than that, I really appreciate how warm and welcoming everyone has been. Having come straight from the U.S. to Australia, I’ve encountered a lot of new things. The fact that everyone has taken the time to nurture and guide me has really made a difference.
Tell me about something special you have on your desk
The most interesting thing on my desk is probably my camera. I do photography on the side, so I like to keep my camera handy. In the future, I’d like to spice up my desk with a quirky postcard from Madagascar or something.
What do you spend your weekends doing?
As I mentioned, I really enjoy photography. Since I arrived in Sydney, I’ve met some really cool photographers, and hope to become involved in the scene here. I also love hiking, rocking climbing, and spending time outdoors; in fact, it’s part of the reason I became interested in photography.
I also love spending time at coffee shops, where I edit my creative work. I actually spend every morning in a coffee shop before I arrive at Mad Paws, because I feel a subconscious pressure to work when I’m there. Everyone can see me sitting at my laptop, so I’d better be productive!
What do you have as the background image on your phone?
I currently have a colour wheel as my background image. I took a colour theory class at my uni, and I think colour is very interesting because it transcends language. Aside from people who are unfortunately blind or colour blind, everyone understands colour. That’s why art is such a fascinating medium: you don’t need to speak the same language to appreciate it. When creating visual content, I believe that understanding the nuances of colour and being mindful of them is really important.
If you could Pet Sit any animal, what would it be?
Let’s see…I’m going to say the Pangolin. It’s one of those choices that would surprise people; besides which, they look really cool!

Quickfire Round
Instagram or Pinterest?
Batman or Superman?
Digital cameras or old school film cameras?
Ooooh, tough question…but old school film cameras
Ice cream cake or Snickers?
Ice cream cake
Hiking or rock climbing?
Rock climbing
Dogs or cats?