Like all wondrous things in life, Dog Ownership can come with its share of hassles. While they all pale next to the joy of seeing your furry friend, this piece doesn’t concern itself with sight. Indeed, as any veteran Dog Owner will tell you, our furbabies have a habit of testing our noses. Granted, all creatures need to pass wind at times, but some pooches have trouble switching it off. If this is your pup, please know that you’re not alone. What’s more, there is something you can do about it. From a healthy dog diet to changes in eating speed, you’ll find many ways to combat canine flatulence. Without further ado, here’s how to stop your dog farting so much!

Just as Snoop Dogg smokes a lot of grass, so can your dog lay a lot of gas.
Wondering how to stop your dog farting so much? Try these simple tips
Begin by ruling out any health issues
Before you starting making changes to your dog’s diet, begin by ensuring they aren’t suffering any health problems. After all, excessive farting can be a sign of illness – from intestinal infections, to pancreatitis in dogs. Even worms, which are fighting a losing battle against advanced medicine, can sometimes rear their pin-sized heads and cause gas. To ensure your furry friend’s flatulence isn’t a result of a sickness, take them to the vet for a checkup.
Make sure your dog doesn’t eat too fast
Beyond causing a range of digestive problems, eating too fast can also cause your dog to fart more than normal. Of course, it can be tough to explain this to your doggo; if they enjoy wolfing down their food, they may not listen to reason.
Fortunately, you can slow down your dog’s eating through some crafty serving methods. For instance, you can place an empty can or large rock in your dog’s dinner bowl. This will require them to eat around the obstacle, which will slow the rate at which they eat.
For a full list of ideas, check our article on stopping your dog from eating too fast.
Don’t feed them processed human food
Look, we get it. When your furbaby stares at you with those saucer eyes, you can feel the urge to share your dinner. Sadly, processed human foods – especially those high in sugar – can wreak havoc on your dog’s digestive system. You’ve likely heard of the perils of chocolate for dogs, but there are a slew of processed homo sapien goods can cause poochy problems. In short, play it safe and stick to dog-specific food or, better yet, natural ingredients.
Switch to a natural diet
On that note, there’s an old saying: “a healthy diet will keep your dog’s bowels quiet.” Okay, that may not be an old saying YET, but we’ve just said it, so one day it will be. The point is that dogs evolved to eat fresh meat, so fresh meat will keep their stomachs happy. And while some veggies are not dog-friendly, others can (in moderation) form part of a balanced diet. Specifically, small amounts of broccoli, carrot, and cabbage will fill some of the nutritional gaps in an all-meat diet. Moreover, provided you cap veggie consumption at 20% of your dog’s diet, they won’t cause excess gas.