We have lots of awesome sitters on Mad Paws but Cecelia from Currimundi, Queensland goes above and beyond for her furry house guests! Having had no choice but to to rehome her elderly beloved Husky in Europe when she returned to Australia, Mad Paws has filled a four-legged void in Cecelia’s life. Her pet friendly home and secure but “wild and wooly” backyard make the perfect environment for pets of all types to visit and feel safe and loved. Cecelia is very spiritual and feels special connections to the pets she cares for, considering it to be a great privilege to care for animals.
We caught up with Cecelia and found out a little more about her Mad Paws experience!
What made you become a Mad Paws sitter?
What is your favourite thing about pet sitting?

Why should owners use Mad Paws?
What would be your advice for a new Mad Paws sitter?
Most clients will offer to pay you in cash outside of Mad Paws. Do not accept. It’s important to step in at that point and say look, Mad Paws is an excellent forum that protects both the sitter and the owner and neither side should ever consider making or taking bookings outside of the website. As a sitter, I do not feel alone as I know that I have a whole team behind me – if I have any difficulties with the website, bookings, pets etc, the Mad Paws team are always incredibly supportive and will do everything they can to help you.
My other piece of advice would be to let your personality shine with the dogs and their owners. The business will follow! Do not take offence after a meet and greet if an owner decides they are going to go with a different sitter. You mustn’t take it personally and have to just accept that the owners may be looking for something slightly different than you’re offering and it’s important that they find the right sitter for their pet.