Name: Eymara
Job Title: Account Manager
Pets: Paco, a Russian Blue mix with white feet and a tuxedo chest
What were you doing before Mad Paws?
I was managing the office spaces in Mad Paws’ building – which is how I discovered Mad Paws!
What do you love most about working at Mad Paws?
The people. Everyone is super friendly and we’re all different, so it’s a lot of fun learning new things from each other. Not everyone is from Australia, so we all support each other, and have formed a family network.
It’s also a bonus that we Pet Sit a lot of animals here in the office!
Tell me about something special you have on your desk
My colleague Ale and I are both from Mexico, and Ale gave me a traditional wood-carved Mexican cat. He’s super bright and colourful, but he has this angry face. If ever I’m having a hard day, I imagine that he’s absorbing all the negative energy while I remain happy.

What do you spend your weekends doing?
I play soccer, spend time with friends, and visit my favourite tea and scones cafe in the Rocks. I’m also taking a course on skin care and business. I grew up having skin problems, and now that I’ve fixed mine I want to help other people. I want to make it simple and effective, and use natural food-grade ingredients. Eventually, I’d like to teach people those skills, and not just sell products.
What do you have as the background image on your phone?
A baby kangaroo who I’ve named Joey – because he’s a baby, and because he reminds me of Joey from Friends.
If you could pet sit any animal, what would it be?
That’s a tough question, but I’m going to say a sea otter, because they’re really cute.
Quickfire Round
Pancakes or waffles?
Pancakes. No doubt.
Seinfeld or Friends?
…Friends, but it’s a tough call! I’m actually re-watching Seinfeld at the moment, so they’re both favourites.
A day at the races or a picnic in the park?
Picnic in the park.
A trek in the Himalayas or a weekend in Tuscany?
I can spend a weekend in Tuscany when I’m old, so I’ll say a trek in the Himalayas.
Microsoft or Apple?
I’m sorry, Bill Gates…but I love my Apple products.
Dogs or cats?
I love dogs, but I currently have a cat because of my living situation, so I’ll say cats. Having said that, I’d take both if I could. Can I say “Cat-Dog”? I love that show!