We all love our dogs – but sometimes, after a messy romp outside, we don’t always love their smell. Fortunately, you have a range of options beyond a bath to leave your pooch with a fresh scent. Here are our top tips to make your dog smell nice!

“Please tell me you’re not going to shampoo me AGAIN.” Your dog, when they don’t smell nice after a walk.
Baking powder: your secret weapon in the fight to make your dog smell nice
Bathing your dog can be a joyous experience. It can also be an epic struggle of thrashing limbs and wet floors. That’s why, at times, it can be simpler to bypass the bath in favour of a more time-savvy option.
Despite its humble roots, baking powder offers one such solution. Simply measure a portion of baking powder the size of a 10 cent piece; massage it evenly into your pup’s fur; then brush them until they’re powder-free. Your dog’s coat will smell like a laundromat before you know it!
Just as you would when shampooing them, make sure your dog doesn’t eat any baking powder during this process. Their electrolyte levels can suffer if they consume any of the substance, which can lead to muscle spasms.
Have a vet empty your dog’s anal glands
In the past we’ve written on anal glands, and how they can affect your dog when they malfunction. In short, a foul odour is often a canary in the mine for troubled anal glands. If your furry friend’s funky smell is accompanied by frequent scooting, book a session with your vet. Their anal glands may have stopped draining, which means they’ll need someone to drain them.
Don’t skimp on their food bill
A dog’s diet will affect more than their health. It will also dictate the odours they secrete from their pores, bowels, and mouth. Instead of buying your pooch low-quality wet food, select dining options that include real meat, vegetables, and rice. Even better, try your hand at cooking healthy meals for your pup!
Clean their bedding
Now that you’ve worked wonders to make your dog smell nice, you’ll want to ensure they remain that way. The best way to achieve this? Wash your pup’s bedding. Rather than using normal detergent, which which can upset your dog’s nose, opt for hot water and baking powder.
If your dog sleeps in a kennel, crate, or other large-sized bed, use a hose and sponge to wash their resting space. By washing their bedding every two weeks, you’ll allow your furry friend to start their days on a fresh note.