Have you ever had a massage that completely transformed your week? It could have fixed a creak in your neck, reduced muscle tension, or simply left you feeling relaxed. Well, guess what? Your dog can enjoy the same experience. Canine massages can alleviate muscle pain and tension; augment your pooch’s range of motion; and increase back and limb functions. Thanks to our friends at All Natural Vet Care, you can give your furry friend the gift of ache-free muscles and limber joints!

Neck and back massage
Neck and Back Massage
Frequency: 1 – 2 times a day
Begin at the base of your dog’s head and work down their back and towards their tail. With your thumbs on either side of your pup’s spine, make gentle circles that slowly descend down their body. This will release tension and stiffness in the muscles that support your pooch’s spine.

Skin roll massage
Skin Roll Massage
Frequency: 1 – 2 times a day
Gently grasp a roll of skin between your dog’s ears. Pull up carefully and release, making a gentle scrunching motion as you go. Start on their head then slowly move your way down their spine.

Gentle stretch
Gentle Stretch
Frequency: 1 – 2 times a day
Gently run your thumb and forefinger down either side of your dog’s spine, maintaining a pincer-like motion. Once again, commence at the base of your furry friend’s head and move towards the tail. This massage will stretch your pooch’s muscles, and leave them feeling limber.

Limb massage
Limb Massage
Frequency: 1 – 2 times a day
For this exercise, you’ll be starting at the forelimb and working your way towards your dog’s shoulder. On each limb, make a milking motion with your hands, slowly ascending until you’ve massaged the entire limb.
Your pooch should find these massages to be gentle, relaxing, and painless. If they seem to suffer any discomfort, stop immediately. They may be suffering from an unseen illness or injury – in which case, give them a tip to tail check. If you’re still not sure what’s causing them discomfort, play it safe an book a session with a vet.