It was Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt who once said: “Sometimes, you just need to transport a cat”. Or it could have been Elaine in Mad Paws Account Management. The point is, every Cat Owner reaches a point in their lives in which they need to move their kitty. Perhaps you’re moving houses, or maybe you’re taking them to the vet. The reasons for needing to transport them will change like the tides. What you can count on, though, is that your feline won’t be happy about it.
However, as always, Mad Paws is here to ease your burdens. With a bit of prep, your cat can enjoy a fuss-free outing!

“I want you to know that I will never forget this transgression.” -Your cat, to you, if they’re not transported properly.
Let your cat get acquainted with their carrier crate
For your cat to feel cozy in their carrier crate, they first need to be familiar with it. This is why it pays to let your cat explore their crate long before they need to climb inside it. As a guide, you should aim to introduce the crate to your home several days before your cat’s outing. By leaving an open crate in an area your cat frequents (like the bedroom), you’ll increase their chances of entering.
Once you have the crate at home, you can begin to make the vessel more feline-friendly. Leaving your cat’s favourite toys, blankets, and bowls of food in the crate is a great start. These gestures will not only entice your kitty into the crate – they will also assure them it’s a safe space. After all, how could it not be? Their favourite blanket is in there!
Before you travel, lay a towel in the base of the crate
So, the day of your kitty’s journey is upon you. If you’ve applied the above tips, your feline will hopefully have become familiar with their crate. Before you coax them inside, you’ll want to prepare in case they make a mess. To this end, lay a towel on the floor of the crate. In addition to catching any fluids that your cat might excrete during their trip, it will also give them a more comfortable surface on which to sit.

The Transporter meets cats: “Strap yourselves in. I have a FELINE we’re in for a bumpy ride.”
Move slowly when putting them into the crate
If you’re able to lure your cat into the crate with treats or toys, great! Your life just became a whole lot easier. If not, don’t fret. Strong, independent Cat Owner that you are, you can do it yourself. However, if you want to make it a scratch-free affair, you’ll need to hasten slowly.
Firstly, shift the crate so the entry point is facing the sky. From there, hold one arm in an L-shape and scoop up your kitty. The L-shaped arm should be nursing your cat’s legs, while your other arm should support their forelegs. Next, slowly lower them into the crate, ensuring their hind legs enter first. Once they’re inside the crate, close its door and slowly return it to its standard position.
When it comes time to put your crate-dwelling cat into a car, drape a sheet over the crate. That way, your cat will escape the clutches of motion sickness.
Do you need help from someone who can charm your kitty into any crate? Book a Mad Paws Cat Sitter!
1 comment
A very useful and timely article !