In Cat Breed Corner this month is the Domestic Shorthair! Check out the DSH’s stats, personality, health, grooming and more!
Personality Traits & Trainability ★
Domestic shorthairs have a strong hunting instinct and will enjoy tracking down smaller animals, even if it is well fed and does not need to hunt to survive. Unlike some other breeds which have more standard personalities, DSHs can vary widely from cat to cat – some may be shy and nervous whilst others may be playful and inquisitive but one thing’s for sure, they’re all adorable!
Grooming ✄Moggies come in all shapes, sizes and colours. They can have all types of coat pattern imaginable but, as suggested by their name, they have short hair. As a result, their fur is very easy to look after and requires very little brushing. | Health +As the Domestic Shorthair is not technically a breed, they tend to be healthier than purebred or pedigree cats. They share the bloodlines of thousands of domestic cats and therefore have a larger genetic pool than other, highly bred breeds and are less susceptible to breed specific ailments. |
Fun Fact ♥
On average, a domestic shorthair that travels outside of the home will spend up to 6 hours a day just hunting!
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I follow their content closely. With your permission, I get ideas from you and share them on my blog. I only create content for domestic shorthair cats.