Australia is one of only a handful of countries to eat their coat of arms. It’s a dubious honour, but one that has become common practice. While emu is still a rare find in supermarket fridges, kangaroo meat has soared in popularity in recent years. From burgers to bolognese, you’re more likely than ever to find roo in your recipes. With so many humans now eating it, you might wonder whether it’s fit for your furry friend. As it so happens, kangaroo is one of the best dog meals you can feed your furbaby. Join us as we explore the benefits of kangaroo meat for dogs!
Kangaroo meat is the leanest red meat protein
To the surprise of many, kangaroo is naturally the leanest available source of red meat. This means that kangaroo meat’s protein-to-fat ratio is near-unmatched in the red meat family. If your dog suffers from Canine Pancreatitis, roo meat’s low fat content will help them avoid any nasty flare-ups.
Its fat is the healthy kind
The small amount of fat that DOES exist in kangaroo meat is unsaturated. In small quantities, unsaturated fat is healthy of your pup. In fact, it forms a crucial part of a balanced diet. If you serve your pooch a mixture of roo meat and veggies, they’ll receive the perfect amount of healthy fats – and no more.
Kangaroo meat is high in iron and zinc
Okay, let’s be real: “*BLANK* is high in *BLANK*” can feel like a common feature in these types of articles. However, in the case of dogs, iron and zinc are major winners. For starters, iron works to create red blood cells (in both humans and dogs); these bolster our furbabies’ immune systems and maintain their bodily growth. Zinc, on the other hand, boosts your pup’s energy, gives them tougher paw pads, strengthens their coats, and aids iron in reinforcing their immune systems. In layperson’s terms, iron and zinc pull their weight to help keep your pooch in peak form.
All in all, the benefits of kangaroo meat for dogs are many!
Are you looking for a meal plan that combines roo with veggies and offal to meet your dog’s health requirements? Sign up to Mad Paws Chef today!